2022 – Our employee wellness programme summary

2022 employee wellness summary - most popular engagement events

2022 Employee Wellness Summary

Our most popular team engagement events

Wellness webinars / workshops and team sports events happen to be our most popular employee wellness activities in 2022.

1 hour webinar for our client companies who are abroad or whose employees are still working from home is a popular option. We also did quite a few half day physical workshops for companies located in  Bangalore & Hyderabad.


We did a number of team sports events in Bangalore and Hyderabad. Most popular sports events happen to be badminton, football, carrom, table tennis and cricket. 

This is followed by Yoga and meditation sessions. and Dance based fitness sessions such as Zumba or freestyle.

A few of our client companies utilised personal fitness sessions including strengthening and stretching. 

We also had a few dietitian and nutritionist led coaching sessions covering healthy diet plans and best  food practices. 

Lastly, a couple of companies opted for virtual fitness challenges and counselling.

To know more about our full list of employee wellness programmes, pls visit coachdirect.in/glow


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