Is there any value in a Sports Summer Camps?

summer camp sports volleyball

As we soon approach the exam season followed by summer vacation, parents often look to engage their kids in various summer camps to keep them busy. Every year the cost of such summer camps seem to be increasing and it is a pertinent question whether there is any value in paying through one’s nose to enroll your children in a camp. The actual cost of the camp plus the cost of playing equipment and the cost of transport can be overwhelming at times. Whether the cost of the summer camp is really worth it, is something the parent should definitely evaluate against the benefits that it offers. So, here are the top benefits of a sports summer camp for your child:

1. Explore interest and talent: The time spent learning a new sport gives an opportunity for the child to explore interest in that particular sport. By spending a few hours in holidays, the child gets a real taste for the sport and decide whether it is something he/she wants to invest more time in future. When put through a structured training program, the coach will be able to spot talent in the group and recommend for more serious coaching for future if your child is showing potential.

2. Chance to be physically active: Participating in a sport helps the child stay physically and mentally active which is very important as otherwise children tend to laze off and waste too much time with gadgets or just laying on the bed or the couch. In recent times with dwindling playtime for children,  sports summer camp is an opportunity to catch up on playtime and fitness. Sports inherently help develop strength, endurance, agility and coordination.

3. Make social connections: Long vacations might isolate children from their schoolmates and teachers. If the child has working parents, then especially in nuclear families, the child might lose valuable human connections during the holidays. Enrolling in a summer camp is an opportunity to make new friends within the group and develop crucial social skills in dealing with team mates and coaches. Especially in team sports, the child has to learn team work and coordination with other children.

4. Personality development: During holidays, children might struggle with the absence of a daily routine. By joining a sports summer camp, they should be able to manage their time better by allocating a part of their day to sports and fitness, and then planning the remaining time to their other activities. Just attending the camp regularly inculcates a sense of discipline in the child. Moreover, many sports emphasize on quick thinking, overcoming adverse situation, accepting defeat, and discipline which all help in overall personality development of the child.

At CoachDirect, we offer a number of activity options including indoor and outdoor sports, wellness and fitness activities. Please reach out to explore what best suits your child.